The only burden a person carries that is not self-inflicted is that of natural beauty. The rest of man’s burdens are self-inflicted. Fame is a burden self-inflicted, so is wealth, power and knowledge. They all attract maintenance and service costs. They all depreciate and loose value if not maintained and serviced. And, that is the story of houses you build.
The story begins at inception with a failure to apply available knowledge on durability and continuous compliance, maybe, because this knowledge is not present in you network of designers and construction managers.
As a client, you won’t be able to tell this deficiency. Especially that durability problems occur long after the building has been completed and occupied that you won’t be able to relate these problems to the designers and construction contractors.
Construction technology is not your specialty. But you want beauty, natural beauty, beauty that is sustained with less environmental impact. So, you hire Eco Concrete Ltd as your design and build contractors. Its that simple.